Growing Minds Australia has established a practitioner network to facilitate two-way communication between researchers and practitioners. Our focus with this is to improve on the ground translation of research outputs. We're interested in finding out more about the needs of practitioners with respect to clinical trials which may address:
Our Growing Minds Australia Practitioners Network is on Facebook, and we post opportunities to be involved with research here.
Growing Minds Australia Practitioners Network
GMA-IMPACT stands for 'Growing Minds Australia - Improving Mental Health Pathways and Access to Child and Youth Treatment'. This describes the work of the Growing Minds Australia project team to innovate a stepped care child and youth mental health care model which is flexible enough to be adapted into any child and youth mental health service, and resilient enough to make possible changed outcomes for children and young people around Australia, where mental health or wellbeing concerns are present. Click the button below to learn more about how we are making a difference with stepped care, in the Child Behaviour Research Clinic, at the University of Sydney.
The Growing Minds Australia Clinical Trials Network (GMACTN) is a research-specific body in Growing Minds Australia which is working towards registration as a member with the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA). Currently the Growing Minds Australia Steering Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee and Community Engagement Advisory Committee are working together to shape how the GMACTN will work.